About me

Hi, I am Hongyin Chen. I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Peking University, advised by Prof. Xiaotie Deng. I’m currently visiting Dr. Ittay Eyal’s group at Technion. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from the first Turing Class in EECS dept, Peking University.

My research interests are blockchain, mechanism design, algorithmic game theory, and reinforcement learning.

Contact: chenhongyin[at]pku.edu.cn

Selected Papers

(*) denotes equal contribution

  • FileInsurer: A Scalable and Reliable Protocol for Decentralized File Storage in Blockchain.
    Hongyin Chen*, Yuxuan Lu*, Yukun Cheng.
    ICDCS 2022.
  • ABSNFT: Securitization and Repurchase Scheme for Non-Fungible Tokens Based on Game Theoretical Analysis.
    Hongyin Chen, Yukun Cheng, Xiaotie Deng, Wenhan Huang, Linxuan Rong.
    Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022.
  • Sybil-Proof Diffusion Auction in Social Networks.
    Hongyin Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Ying Wang, Yue Wu, Dengji Zhao.
    AAMAS 2023.
  • Cycledger: A scalable and secure parallel protocol for distributed ledger via sharding.
    Mengqian Zhang*, Jichen Li*, Zhaohua Chen*, Hongyin Chen*, Xiaotie Deng.
    IPDPS 2020 bestpaper candidate.


   Sept. 2020 - : Peking University, Beijing

     PhD student

     Advisor: Xiaotie Deng

   Sept. 2023 - Feb. 2025: Technion, Haifa

     Visiting Student

     Advisor: Ittay Eyal

   Mar. 2023 - Aug. 2023: Singapore Management University, Singapore

     Research asistant

     Advisor: Guomin Yang

   Sept. 2016 - July. 2020: Peking University, Beijing

     B.S. in Turing Class, Computer Science (summa cum laude)

     Advisor: Xiaotie Deng


  • TA of Theoretical Foundations in Blockchain Technology by Prof. Xiaotie Deng, Fall 2022.
  • TA of Theoretical Foundations in Blockchain Technology by Prof. Xiaotie Deng, Fall 2020.
  • TA of Discrete Math (II) and Interactions by Prof. Xiaotie Deng, Spring 2020.
  • TA of Theoretical Foundations in Blockchain Technology by Prof. Xiaotie Deng, Fall 2019.
  • TA of Algorithm Design and Analysis by Prof. Tingting Jiang, Spring 2019.


  • Sports: basketball, swimming, tennis.
  • Video Games: League of Legends, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, and so on.


Reviewer: AsiaCrypt 2022; WWW 2022; ICDCS 2022; AFT 2022; TCC; JSAC.

Counselor of 4th-year Turing Class, Peking University.